Coffee with Kellie - Amanda Coneyworth

This week’s ‘Coffee with Kellie’ is Part 1 of my chat with Corporate Creator and Founder of Gorgeous Presence, Amanda Coneyworth.

When I first started working with Amanda, she was suffering massively from IDENTITY OVERWHELM.  She was trying to wear too many hats – the successful young director in a corporate firm, the passionate teacher, the aspiring wellness blogger and small business owner, the fitness and health fanatic, the wife and future mum.

Amanda was saying “yes” and giving her all to everyone and everything without her checking in with her own vision and values. She wasn’t in the driver’s seat of her career, business and life, like so many of us at times.

The result – burnout!

I hope that you enjoy this very open conversation (a must-view for all you overachievers) and I thank Amanda for sharing.

Kellie x